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How I made an unofficial K.N.D. Poster!

Jul 13

6 min read







Numbuh 57

Numbuh 65

Numbuh 76

Numbuh 30

Numbuh 31

Numbuh 97.1

Numbuh 92


Duos brush pro black

Sloppy paint and bimbo fonts



Rounded Rog

Don grafitti


Step 1: Sketching

Step 2: Creating a color guide

Step 3: Create background

Step 4:Creating charachters.

Step 5: adding characters to background and adjusting color for contrast and hierarchy.

Step 6: Adding Title


Projects Details


This poster advertises a new K.N.D movie set in a suburban setting near the city.


Millennials who grew up in a suburban area near cities along the east coast who grew up watching cartoons.


  • Creating seven characters

  • Background composition and layout

  • Deciding on Coloring style

  • Coming up with the story of the poster

Challenge 1: The characters

I based each character off of one of the members of The Car discord chat, focusing on core personality traits and interests that people in chat.

K.N.D. Numbuh 92

When Making Numbuh 92, I based him on me, so it was a lot easier to come up with things to focus on. Something I used to do as a kid was wear my shirt backward and inside out due to my obliviousness. In his design, I wanted to focus on that oblivious, messy nature and chaotic personality that came about because of it. Another big thing in his design is the rebellious personality trait of going against what people tell him to do.

Details about final design

  • Backwards cap to show the rebellious side against adult tyranny.

  • Untied shoes enhance the unorganized nature of the character.

  • Backward cadet hat to show rebellious nature.

  • His hands mean 92 in sign language but also look like ok, and shoot to show the two sides of his personality.

  • His design has rounded features to show off his more laid-back personality.

Color Scheme

  • Blue color: Used to hint at the character's more calm, and air-headed nature.

  • Red shows the character's rebellious nature.

  • Green to add a third color.

  • There are three colors with almost equal amounts to help promote the idea of a chaotic nature.

  • Also magic blue green red or Temurs colors represent Chaos and a natural disaster that seemed to fit.

K.N.D. Numbuh 97.1

Numbuh 97.1's key traits are his athleticism and aggressiveness as a K.N.D. operative. 97.1 would act more as the scout, finding information, and is the closest Sector C would have to a leader, Sector C has no official leader.

Details about Final Design

  • Running shoes and tracksuit to help show off physical fitness.

  • Triangle head shape to hint towards his dynamic personality.

  • Stick to help portray his warrior nature and ability to defend himself in dangerous situations.

Color Scheme

  • Gray hints at the ability to see the whole picture.

  • Red hints at the underlying aggression and ability to step up as a leader when needed.

K.N.D. Numbuh 31

I designed him to come off as a pessimistic and aggressive character. I wanted to make it feel like you were walking on eggshells when around him. I drew inspiration from Father's coloring in K.N.D. because he often exhibits these traits. Numbuh 31 works as the Urban legend and supernatural expert of the team. Need to know how to stop a specific cryptid? He has that covered.

Final design details

  • Middle finger to show off aggression.

  • Unlike other oval-shaped head characters, heads are more squared off to show a more responsible and rigid personality.

  • Hair spikes show that there is some danger in an approach.

  • Hoodie to show a desire to hide from the world.

Color Scheme

  • Red denotes the character's aggressive nature

  • Black shows the character's negative view of things

  • Orange felt like a good companion color and calmed down to a nice down-to-earth brown with the shoes.

K.N.D. Numbuh 30

Number 30 is a confident artist who receives praise wherever she goes for her highly sought-after work. She is a legend and is in charge of designing the base of Sector C.

Final design details

  • Rolled-up sleeves help communicate she is a hard worker.

  • More circular heads for diversity and head shape and to closer match 97.1 due to them being relatives.

  • The belt helps show that she is the artist in charge of painting all the graffiti around the base.

  • Jewelry to give more of a girly appearance.

  • Shirt that looks like a dress to help with her queenly appearance.

Color Scheme

  • Her confident demeanor reminds me of royalty or the phrase "Yas queen" I felt purple was the color that best suited this regal personality.

  • The shade of green is closely related to the paints and metals, so I wanted to tie her closer to the designs around the base.

  • The Grayish black also made me think of someone classy and added to the royal appearance.

K.N.D. Numbuh 65

Numbuh 65 is a laid-back team member and thus is most often helping others and not sweating things too much. The main personality trait I got for him was Serene or Zen.

Final design details

  • Round glasses to help give off that safe vibe.

  • Rounded square head to give off a reliable and safe vibe.

  • Rounded features to add to this.

  • Sleeping to show he is at peace anywhere, even on a pile of junk.

Color Scheme

  • Blues to denote more tranquil.

  • Tan helps enhance this idea of tranquility.

  • Soft color scheme.

K.N.D. Numbuh 57

Numbuh 57 is the gentle giant of the team, a timid kid who struggles to speak his mind until he puts on his dinosaur jacket. When he puts on his dinosaur jacket, he faces all situations with courage.

Final design details

  • A dinosaur-style jacket to show he loves dinosaurs.

  •  The jacket has spikes that help show the character's dynamic change when it's on.

  • Afro is made of circles to show off his soft nature.

  • Square head to show as someone you can rely on.

Color scheme

  • Green and orange are dinosaur colors.

  • Orange also shows his courage.

K.N.D. Numbuh 76

Super Secretary of the K.N.D. Sector C, Numbuh 76, is the most organized member of Sector C. She assigns missions, reports to the moon base, and keeps track of the team.

Final design details.

  • Glasses to show a more organized demeanor

  • rounded features that let people know she is friendly

  • dress to show she is more formal

Color Scheme

  • Yellow is the main color I wanted to use for her energy and joyous demeanor

  • purple to show she is on top of things and knows how to keep things in order.

Challenge 2 Background

of it being an untraditional tree house. What if I made a Junkyard where A car housed the literal K.N.D. the tree, and its roots acted as a support system, keeping all the K.N.D. scrap and rooms together? While the car was the main entrance to the base. After cementing these ideas, I added the double doors as a gate. I loved the Junkyard idea because even though it took place in the suburbs, it would give it closer to an urban feel. I felt this was very reminiscent of old cartoons such as Fat Albert. I also liked the idea of the kids traveling further away to conduct their operations like Craig of the Creek.

Going from one point to two point perspective

Something I didn't know about when making this poster was two-point perspective. I was used to drawing posters as a flat image or in a one-point perspective. Having that idea in mind, I started working on the first poster.

Poster 1

First Poster

This original poster didn't make it that far because I realized I didn't want this perspective. For lack of a better term, the world felt too flat, and the car didn't feel real. I decided to not only research perspective but how to draw cars.

Video's watched and books read

How To Draw Drawing And Sketching Objects And Environments From Your Imagination by Scott Robertson and Thomas Bertling.

Drawing boxes and perspective lines

Car Sketches

Background sketches

Color Choice and why

  • Red suited the vibe of a group of children raising the flag of rebellion against their adult oppressors.

  • Green feels urban and grungy and helps that communicate through.

  • I used saturation and Tints to lead the eye to important focal points.

  • Lastly, the black gum tree is common in cities and helped bring that East Coast feel to the composition as the leaf's colors change.

Critiques Received:

  1. Numbuh 92's body gets lost behind his limbs.

Problem Fixed

2. K.N.D. character style does not use highlights and uses hard shadows to show form.

Pre Critique Applies only to clothes and skin After Critique


Summary of things learned

  • Two point perspective.

  • Staging.

  • Drawing a car in perspective.

  • Character design.

  • K.N.D. Style.

Thank you for reading!

Jul 13

6 min read





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